Filler Direct Stands Proud: Supporting LGBT+ Youth

Pride Month

At Filler Direct, we’re all about community and inclusivity. As we dive into Pride Month, we’re thrilled to announce our incoming donation to The Proud Trust, a fantastic LGBT+ youth charity that’s all about empowering young people. This June, we’re donating £1 from every order to The Proud Trust, supporting their incredible work in uplifting the community.

Who is The Proud Trust?The Proud Trust

Founded by Amelia Lee and Sally Carr MBE, The Proud Trust has an amazing history that dates back to the 1970s. Their mission? To support LGBT+ young people and help them be proud of who they are.

Why it matters:

Jade Lunny, our office manager and head of marketing said: “Showing allyship, by openly celebrating pride and LGBTQ+ rights, means a lot to us because we want every one of our employees and customers to know that they are always accepted for who they are, no matter who they love or how they identify.”

Supporting causes like these is crucial. LGBT+ youth often face unique challenges like discrimination and isolation. Our donations will help The Proud Trust provide the resources, support, and education that can make a real difference in their lives.

How you can get involved:

Want to help out? Here’s how you can join us in supporting The Proud Trust this Pride Month:

Shop with Filler Direct: Every purchase you make in June means £1 goes to The Proud Trust.
Spread the Word: Tell your friends, family, and social media followers about our campaign to boost our impact.
Learn More: Check out The Proud Trust’s website to learn more about their programs and how you can support them year-round.

Here’s a bit more about what they do:

Youth Work and One-on-One Support: Creating safe spaces for LGBT+ youth through youth groups, mentoring programs, and individual support.
Training and Inclusion Programs: Offering training for schools and children’s services to create more inclusive environments and tackle discrimination.
Proud Connections Live Chat: An online support platform for LGBT+ young people seeking advice and connection.

Let’s make a difference together. Happy Pride!

For more info about The Proud Trust and their amazing work, visit The Proud Trust.



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