A Guide to Safe Storage and Reuse of Dermal Fillers

Storage of fillers

Dermal fillers are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of cosmetic enhancements. Whether it’s to plump lips, contour cheeks, chisel jaws and erase dark circles under the eyes, hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers can do it all. However, with the trend leaning towards more natural results, practicioners often use only part of the filler dosage. This […]

Filler Direct Stands Proud: Supporting LGBT+ Youth

Pride Month

At Filler Direct, we’re all about community and inclusivity. As we dive into Pride Month, we’re thrilled to announce our incoming donation to The Proud Trust, a fantastic LGBT+ youth charity that’s all about empowering young people. This June, we’re donating £1 from every order to The Proud Trust, supporting their incredible work in uplifting […]

How To Achieve Natural Results With Dermaren Lumi 10.0

Dermaren Lumi 10.0

As the field of aesthetic medicine advances, a groundbreaking product has emerged in the form of Polynucleotides, capturing the interest of beauty enthusiasts and professionals alike: Dermaren Lumi 10.0. This state-of-the-art treatment is designed to enhance skin tone, boost elasticity, and diminish the signs of ageing. The Innovation Behind Dermaren Lumi 10.0 Where beauty meets […]

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty With Revitrane Premium Q

Non-surgical rhinoplasties have become one of the most popular non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Offering a less invasive option than traditional rhinoplasty with no downtime, we delve into the advantages of this trend and why Revitrane Premium Q stands out as the preferred formula. About Revitrane Premium Q Revitrane Premium Q boasts some of the highest cohesivity […]

How to Reduce Pain For Lidocaine Allergies

Reduce Pain For Lidocaine Allergies

One common worry among practitioners during dermal filler treatments is the potential for a lidocaine allergy, and with that, it’s useful to know how to reduce pain for lidocaine allergies. Most dermal fillers currently contain lidocaine, a numbing agent aimed at making treatment more comfortable. However, some patients may have allergic reactions to the antioxidants […]

Everything You Need to Know About Skin Boosters

Skin boosters

Skin boosters are quickly taking the aesthetic world by storm. These injectable treatments are revolutionising skincare, offering a simple yet effective way to enhance your skin’s texture, elasticity, hydration, and overall appearance. What are Skin Boosters? They work by injecting hyaluronic acid (HA), a soft, gel-like substance, under the skin. HA is naturally found in […]

The Importance of Choosing the Right Fillers

The importance of choosing the right fillers

In the realm of cosmetic procedures, the choice of fillers holds extreme importance. Whether it’s smoothing out wrinkles, augmenting lips, or reshaping the nose, selecting the appropriate filler can make a significant difference in achieving natural-looking results and ensuring patient safety. Let’s delve into why using the correct fillers is crucial for successful cosmetic enhancements. […]

First Time Guide To Dermal Fillers

First Time Guide To Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are a popular choice for facial enhancement without surgery. For newcomers, thorough research is essential to understand the procedure’s risks and benefits, including selecting a skilled practitioner and the right filler brand. What Are Dermal Fillers? These gel-like injectables, mainly composed of Hyaluronic Acid (HA), address various cosmetic concerns without invasive procedures. By […]

Complete Guide To Filler Direct Exclusive Products

Filler Direct holds the crown of exclusivity. We have the most complete range of products you’ll find on the market. The Nexfill range Nexfill stands for change, for a new you and a new way of looking at aesthetics and for supporting body confidence in all forms. Created from Ultra Pure 24mg Hyaluronic Acid designed […]