Pre And Post-Appointment Advice

Whether you’re dreaming of fuller lips or a defined jawline, we’re here to guide you through the process of your appointment, both before and after. As with any treatment, there are a few things to consider both before and after your appointment. Pre-appointment: Avoid alcohol and blood-thinning foods and medications leading up to your treatment.Incorporate […]

Dangers Of Wearing Makeup Post-Treatment

Patients who have a treatment must understand the importance of not wearing any makeup after a treatment. It’s imperative to refrain from wearing makeup both before and after treatment due to the risk of contamination by minuscule, unseen particles. However, practitioners often have limited control over the actions of their non-surgical aesthetic patients post-treatment. Many […]

“How Can I Attract More Male Patients Into My Clinic?”

Traditionally, aesthetic treatments were only seen as being for women. However, nowadays, we are seeing the modern man evolve. They are becoming more comfortable with allowing themselves to take part in what “traditionally” is only meant for women as they too, see the benefits. Why miss out?   To attract more male customers to your […]

What Are PLLA Fillers?

The popularity and efficacy of traditional hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers are known by now. However, with the rise of PLLA (poly-L-lactic acid fillers) fillers, we are seeing an increase in the long-term benefits they can provide. While HA fillers offer temporary volume enhancement, they do not address the underlying collagen depletion responsible for ageing […]

First Time Guide To Dermal Fillers

Discover the popularity of dermal fillers, a leading non-surgical aesthetic procedure that continues to attract those seeking a fuller pout and a smoother complexion. Dermal fillers, dominating the aesthetics sector alongside anti-wrinkle injections, have witnessed a surge in first-time clients, fuelled in part by social media showcasing flawless results. If you’re considering dermal fillers for […]

Filling With Confidence: Top Tips By Your Trainer

Meet our trainer Laura, your go-to expert for all things aesthetic treatments. In this blog, she’s sharing her top tips to help you navigate through your treatments. Whether you’re a newbie or a beauty enthusiast, get ready for advice and tips that’ll boost your confidence and elevate your education levels.   Tip #1 Tear Trough […]

Filler Direct’s Training Academy!

Embark on your journey towards becoming an aesthetics practitioner with us at Filler Direct Academy. Ready to dive into the world of aesthetics with us? We’re not just an academy – we’re a tight-knit family of beauty enthusiasts dedicated to helping you embrace the wonderful world of aesthetics. Our CPD Accredited Aesthetics training courses are […]

Aesthetic Realities: 10 Misconceptions About Aesthetic Treatments

Beauty standards are constantly evolving and so are aesthetic treatments. However, with popularity comes a whopping amount of myths and misconceptions that often overshadow the facts. In this blog, we aim to shed light on the facts that everyone should know about.   Myth #1 Aesthetic treatments will make me look fake and plastic While […]